Thursday, November 13, 2008

When is breaking the law justified?

Even though some people do not see the purpose of the government, there are some. The government makes sure murder is not a common thing by trying as hard as they can to prevent it. They make sure simple crimes don't go unanswered, and they make try to make sure the homeless are taken care of and have food. The government funds our school and they make freedom possible. If they weren't accomplishing these things and someone started a revolution i would join just because it would be for a greater cause. I personally do not believe breaking the law is ever justified.


carrie said...

If you joined a revolt against the government you would be breaking the law, so I guess you would be justifying it...

Good post overall. 18/20 points.

carrie said...

Do you want to make changes, or do you want to keep the 18/20 points?