Thursday, November 12, 2009

When to get involved:

I have found it to be a very big mistake to put yourself in someone Else's business. Sometimes it can be important to put yourself in someones situation though, for the reason to try and help them if something is terribly wrong. for example if I knew someone that was constantly getting in trouble with the cops, didn't listen to their parents to where they were in danger and they were headed in the wrong path I think it may make them angry if I try to step in and help but I think I would do it no matter what they think because I'm not being nosy, I'm just trying to help a friend and get a life back on track, that way they will hopefully do the same for other people in their lives later on after they get past the fact that they were angry with me and realized I was doing a good thing. When people do good things and help others it makes the world a lot better of a place to be and live in.

The Gilded Age- Acrostic Definition


